
Event List

Maccha | No Reservation Required | Sweets2019.4.20

Seasonal Tea Sweets Day


(Seasonal Tea Sweets Day) Kokuu 穀雨(Wheat Rain)
Spend a truly Japanese afternoon with appropriately seasonal sweets with seasonal flowers. At Murin-an, you can savor the season’s blessings with all your senses. Tomorrow’s theme is “Kokuu” (穀雨), Wheat Rain season in Japan’s 24-season calendar.
Enjoy exploring taste of wagashi (Japanese sweets) balanced by the pleasantly bitter taste of matcha tea, and also enjoying the soothing view of the garden.
First-come-first-served, there is only a limited availability of tea sweets, which are exclusively created for Murin-an garden.

Date: April 20, Saturday
Fee: 1000 yen (+Entrance fee. No reservation required)
*limited number /day, first-come-first-served
Tel・Fax 075-771-3909 http://murin-an.jp/en/
All our confectionery belong to a limited edition produced exclusively for Murin-an.

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