
Dec 2019-Jan 2020 Issue


Gardener’s View

The autumn leaves have scattered and the garden that moved so dynamically in summer has, to an almost unbelievable degree, entered upon a still and quiet early winter. When work done on the pine trees in preparation for the New Year’s season nears an end, it is then that we change the bamboo fences and barriers.
The newly changed bamboo is to allow us to celebrate the New Year with our guests in a fresh state of mind. It firms up the spirit no matter when you look at it. During this season, when the trees go to sleep, we also plant new trees and add fertilizer as we imagine the scenery to come in spring.
When the weather grows warmer and the trees wake up, may they spend the year in hearty health, whether during the hot summer or the autumn leaf season. What sort of year shall next year be? In this 120-year-old garden, time ticks by quietly.