Murin-an Tea School
On March 16 (Sat.), we held tea ceremony lessons inside the Main-house.
Please click here for details.
Murin-an Tea School
On March 13 (Sat.), we held tea ceremony lessons inside the tearoom.
Please click here for details.
Murin-an Wild Bird Mini-Lecture
On March 13 (Wed.), Our next mini-lecture will be held on March 20 (Wed.)
Please click here for details.
アーティストの見た無鄰菴 第1回 作品展示「庭園観測」
3月3日(日)~3月10日(日)に開催しておりました「庭園観測」の展示が終了致しました。スタッフによる展示のご案内、3月9日(土)は作家 小川智彦さまによるギャラリートークの時間もあり、ご来場いただいた皆さまには作品解説や質疑応答などで、お時間を過ごしていただきました。
Murin-an as Seen by Artists, Exhibition No.1
“Garden Observation,” the art exhibit held at Murin-an from March 3-10 (Sun.-Sun.), has ended. During the exhibit, our staff provided explanations of the pieces displayed to visitors and, on March 9 (Sat.), Tomohiko Ogawa gave a gallery talk where he discussed his work and answered questions.
This exhibit placed a wide variety of works on display, including photographs that further break down a part of the garden to show how it changes over the course of a day, pieces that are given a three-dimensional appearance by twisting them where the boundary between the water’s surface and the land is depicted, and pieces that use garden stones to make art out of the border between the land and the water.
週末庭園めぐり- 庭園コンシェルジュによる庭園ガイド
Weekend Garden Tour: A Garden Tour by a Garden Concierge
On the afternoon of March 10 (Sun.), we gave guided tours in a rainy garden that was getting ready to shoot forth spring buds. We explained to participants the most important points to know to appreciate Murin-an, the scenery created by original owner Yamagata Aritomo, highlights of the garden in rain, and about the structure and use of trees in Murin-an’s buildings.
●Please click here for details and reservations.
フォスタリング・スタディーズ II 第6回「春」
3月9日(土)に洋館にて庭師のレクチャ―のもと、手ぼうきを皆さまにお作りいただきました。オリジナルの手ぼうきをお持ちになってお庭に出た後、ヒメセキショウ (Japanese sweet flag) の手入れを行いました。竹ぼうきは使い続けることで短くなりますが、すり減ることによって、それぞれ使い道が異なる事などをお伝えしました。この時期は常緑樹も少しずつ葉を落とすため、落ち葉集めもしていただき、皆さんの手でお庭がさらにきれいになりました。
Fostering Studies II, No.6 “Spring”
On March 9, while listening to a lecture given by Murin-an’s head gardener, participants in our Fostering Studies program made their own hand brooms. Entering the garden with these original hand brooms, they performed care for the Japanese sweet flag grass there. We explained to them how bamboo brooms get smaller with use and that, as they become worn down, they each take on different uses. This is the time of year when the evergreens gradually lose their leaves, but by having everyone gather up fallen leaves together, the garden became even cleaner than it was before.
Murin-an Tea School
On March 9 (Sat.), we held tea ceremony lessons inside the tearoom. This day’s lessons concentrated on learning how to handle the bamboo ladle (“hishaku” in Japanese). The instructor taught participants in detail about how to hold the ladle, how much strength to use, and how to set it down. The finger movements and positions looked very hard to do, but participants took their time to learn them thoroughly.
Please click here for details.
Murin-an Tea Ceremony School
On March 6 (Wed.), students from our tea school brought friends of theirs to try out a tea ceremony lesson. Inside the tearoom, they all enjoyed a tea ceremony that had both somber silences and laughter.
Please click here for details.
Murin-an Wild Bird Mini-Lecture
On March 6 (Wed.), we held a mini-lecture on the Yellow-throated Bunting.
We explained the origin of this bird’s Japanese name (“miyamahojiro”) and how it differs from the Meadow Bunting (known in Japanese as “hojiro”). These wild birds, whose yellow facial markings really stand out, are winter birds. In April, they migrate to the Asian continent, but we may see them again in Murin-an starting from around December.
Our next mini-lecture will be held on March 13 (Wed.) and will cover the
Please click here for details.
松栄堂×無鄰菴「庭でサロン-香-」第3回 最終回
2月18日、香老舗 松栄堂様監修による「庭でサロン−香−」イベントを開催いたしました。
Shoueido and Murin-an, “An Incense Salon in the Garden,” Final Session
On February 18, we held a salon even with the director of Matsueido, an incense shop with a longstanding history. We experienced actual incense smelling, learned how to handle incense, and heard a lecture on its history. Participants enjoyed sharing their impressions and questions amid a relaxed atmosphere.