On the afternoon of October 3, we held a mini-lecture on Murin-an’s wild birds. Our topic this time was the Pale Thrush. This is a winter bird that sometimes comes as early as late October. We explained this bird’s ecology by discussing the connection between its behavior and the moss inside Murin-an.
Our next lesson will be on October 10 (Wed.) 2:00 PM-2:30 PM and will cover the Dusky Thrush.
Please click here for details.
The Murin-an tea ceremony is held every Saturday. Come around to the garden and savor a cup of freshly whisked green tea.
●Please click here for details.
9月29日(土)に能面作家の宇髙景子(けいこ)さん、金剛流能楽師の宇髙竜成(たつしげ)さんによる第2回目のお能講座を開催致しました。テーマは武士を主役としての勝ち修羅と負け修羅。登場人物は武将の幽霊であることが多く、敗北した武将の演目が多い理由のお話に皆さま頷いておられました。また負け修羅の運命のお話を、能面とともに判りやすく説明していただき、後半は八島(源 義経)の一節の唄と舞いを披露してラストを飾りました。
(Album) Noh Theater Lecture No.2
●Please click here for details and reservation.
9月24日(月) 東山からのぼる中秋の名月を愛でる夜のイベントを開催致しました。
特別なライトアップを施した夜の無鄰菴はまさに至福の空間でした。呉服おぎはら 荻原葉子さんによる着物レクチャーでは、特別にご用意いただいた貴重なお着物の展示とともに、「老松に月」「破れ扇」などそれぞれの柄に込められた想いをご紹介いただきました。裏千家茶人 千葉宗幸による限定夜茶席では、この日のためにおつくり頂いた京菓子司末富さんのオリジナルモダン菓子をご提供。クライマックスでは、篠笛奏者 佐藤和哉さんによる篠笛の音が、懐かしく優しい響きとともに無鄰菴のお庭にひろがり、極上のひとときに。名月のもと、研ぎ澄まされた日本の美にふれる最高の一夜となりました。
The harvest moon makes Murin-an a truly blissful place to be. Yoko Ogihara of Gofuku Ogihara gave a lecture on kimonos and displayed a specially prepared exhibit of precious kimonos. At the special nighttime tea ceremony led by Urasenke tea master Chiba Soko, we served original sweets prepared that day by Kyoto Suetomi. The climax of the evening was the gentle and wistful sound of Kazuya Sato’s Shinobue bamboo flute spreading throughout the garden.
It was an incredible night of experiencing refined Japanese beauty under a harvest moon.
On September 23, at our fourth tea school session, we experienced the flavor of fermented tea by using tea from our last two sessions. We used a combination of Belgian sweets, dried fruits, and takuan pickled radish to learn the map of different tastes as we tasted the tea.
Our next lesson will be held on October 21 (Sun.) Let’s learn together about how to choose tea to suit each occasion!
●Please click here for details and reservations.
9月23日、裏千家宗名・千葉宗幸/若手庭師による無鄰菴茶会を開催致しました。スクリーンを通して「八卦(Hakka / Hakke)」のお話から始まり、茶室内の釜の湯の音がする空間で、末富さまにお作りいただいた「うさぎ」、甘春堂さまの「季節のとりあわせ」のお菓子とともにお茶会をお楽しみ頂きました。「お庭の説明も詳しくして頂き、大変良かったです。貴重な茶室でのお茶会や陰陽五行のお話など楽しかったです。」と参加者からお声を頂きました。次回は10月14日に開催致します。
On September 23, we held a Murin-an tea ceremony with the young tea master Soko Chiba (Urasenke tea school name). We started with a discussion of the eight Taoist trigrams and ended by enjoying Kyoto Suetomi’s rabbit-shaped sweets and a seasonal arrangement by Kanshundo. Our next lesson is on October 14.
●Please click here for details and reservations.
We held a tea ceremony class on the first floor of the main building with Chiba Soko (Urasenke tea school practitioner name). At today’s lesson, we used a Ryureidana table, which apparently was originally thought up so that people not from Japan could enjoy tea ceremony using chairs and tables.
The Murin-an tea ceremony is held every Saturday. Come around to the garden and savor a cup of freshly whisked green tea.
●Please click here for details.
On September 23, the sun came back after several rainy days and we held a garden tour amid the raindrops and dew. Everyone was fascinated to see the different varieties of moss growing in the garden. The tour ended by relaxing on the veranda of the main building with some delicious matcha.
The garden’s summer landscape is feeling more like autumn everyday. Please be sure to stop by whenever you are in the area.
●Please click here for details and reservations.
On September 19, we held a lecture on the Osprey.
During the lecture, we heard many voices of wild birds, which audience members listened to as each one of them was explained. We discussed how ospreys normally live, their hunting methods and how wild birds are being utilized in the Murin-an garden. Our participants responded by letting us know how fun, informative and friendly they found the talk.
Please click here for details.
We held Garden guide in the morning of September 16th. While looking the green mosses, and we enjoyed green tea at the main house lastly. Participants got a comment “I learnt how to maintain and manage by this event, I was very thankful.” We will do my best more about training management and the way of Murin-an’s future.
●Please click here for details and reservations.