【Album】Murinan Tea School No.3
The third tea school made tea with incense tea. In silent tasting, we concentrate our feelings with Tea teacher ‘s carefully selected tea, we spent an innocent time.
After that, we explained the manufacturing process and taste of the tea field, fermented tea system visited by the teacher. We got a voice like “I learned that the same tea leaves will change scents depending on the production area, variety and tea period.” “I understood the difficulty of the manufacturers well.” from the participants.
「きものを知る」第2回 -秋の装い-
Kimono lecture Vol. 2 Autumn Dress
Following the summer clothes, Mai Ogiwara teacher (Gofuku Ogihara) made a lecture on autumn attire this time. We have heard about the pattern of kimonos in autumn that many other seasonal patterns of kimono and the timing of changing clothes.
We exhibited the kimono that feels autumn in Japan and we were able to feel autumn while actually touching. We got a voice from “It is a waste that the patterns of kimonos in Autumn cannot be worn in other seasons.” I was surprised that more people fitting kimonos to the air-conditioned room temperature.” from the participants.
Moss Gardening Workshop
We are proud to announce a new moss gardening workshop held every Saturday!
As part of the workshop, you do not only learn about the different types and species of moss within Murin-an but also get to create your own miniature garden.
“I surprised about growing many species in the garden!” “The making the moss garden was very excited!” We got a comment from participants.
The Murinan Tea ceremony classroom
Today, Autumn’s wind was felt in the classroom. In the lesson, we used a cups that were drawn. In fact, the cup is used as tea ceremonies of celebrations or congratulations. Although it can be used usually, there are various meanings depending on the pattern.
In addition, the glass cups also has the effect of directing coolness by the movement of water dripping. A glass cup also told us that the history is shallower than a baked cup.
The Murinan Tea ceremony is held every Saturday. Come around when you visit Murinan, luckily there is no reservation required!
【Album】Moss Gardening Workshop
While the coolness was even more felt than yesterday, it learned about growing and mechanism of mosses species. After that, a beautiful miniature moss garden was completed while thinking about the arrangement of moss etc at the Western-style building!
“A cafe and this course were attractive.” “I think that the Murin-an keep this atmosphere, and place “where many people would like to know” We received a voice.
ICOM KYOTO 2019 (国際博物館会議京都大会)が9月開催となり、無鄰菴はプレイベントとして庭園観賞会を行いました。日本庭園の見方や育み方、山縣有朋の思いや南禅寺界隈の昔など、盛りだくさんの内容を庭園コンシェルジュの案内で解説させていただきました。「お庭の職人さんの苦労や繊細な作業にいたく感動しました」「山縣有朋の想いがこもった素敵なお庭の解説がとても判りやすく面白かったです」いったお声を頂き、大変嬉しい限りでございます。
Summer Garden Viewing
International Council of Museums (ICOM) KYOTO 2019 will hold on 1-7 Sep. As pre-event, In the Murin-an, it explaned a value of scenic beauty, how to view, nurture the Japanese garden, Mr.Yamagata’s mind and Nanzenji area neighborhoods etc from garden’s Concierge.”I was deeply moved by the hard work and delicate work of the garden craftsman.” “The commentary on the wonderful garden filled with Mr. Yamagata’s minds were very understandable and interesting,”
It was very glad to hear lots of wonderful voice
It is a state of a lesson on the second floor of the main building.
The elegance is felt in the hand that take off the hot water with a ladle from a tea kettle. As a story of a ladle from Ogihara teacher, “A special ladle used in Shinto donation at Izumo Taisha’s festival (Tsumamugi) is made from half cutting gourd and hemp. ” “The hollowing gourds are believed to have a spiritual strength since ancient times.” Thank you for us to talking short story of each tool. Participants said that if they concentrate too much on the movement of hands it would be difficult to make a flowing movement.
The Murinan Tea ceremony is held every Saturday. Come around when you visit Murinan, luckily there is no reservation required!
今回で2回目の開催である、大阪国際大学准教授 村田隆志先生の水墨画のお講座では、青もみじの描き方をお伝えいただきました。筆力の調整で様々な涼しげな葉模様を皆さま描いておられました。描き方が慣れてきた頃、扇子に絵付けをしていただき、世界に1つしかない扇子の作品をお持ち帰りいただきました。
The Art of Japanese Ink Painting- Vol.2
Osaka International University Associate Professor Mr. Takashi Murata held a lecture on Japanese ink paintings and explained how to draw green maple leaves.
Participants could draw various leaf patterns by adjusting the brush force. Once the participants became more used to applying the ink, they tried out painting on fans!
The Murinan Tea ceremony classroom
The Murin-an ceremony was held on the second floor of the main house. In the morning, the premises felt a little cool, but the temperature rose sharply in the afternoon. Teacher ‘s kimono was drawn with a lot of carp, and the lesson has progressed in a cool atmosphere. The Murinan Tea ceremony is held Saturday. Come around when you visit Murinan, luckily no reservation required!
【Album】Noh Theater Lecture No.1
The Udaka brothers started off a new Noh series at Murin-an Garden: The participants were guided through the unique features of this century-old theatre style such as “Noh-men” (masks) and the meaning behind characters. All the while, they did not miss out to create a friendly atmosphere where everyone felt intrigued to ask questions and comment freely.