10月27日(日)の午後、京菓子 末富さまの会長 山口富蔵さまをお迎えして講座を開催いたしました。お菓子には銘があり、依頼主(買い手)の思いを引き出してイメージを形作っていきます。山頭火のお話でも銘の付け方の解説がございました。
The “Allusions” of Japanese Sweets and the World of Poetic Verse
On the afternoon of October 27, we invited Tomizo Yamaguchi, President of Kyoto Suetomi, to give a lecture. Japanese sweets each have their own signature allusion made according to the image that its commissioner (or buyer) has in mind. Even while discussing the haiku poet Santoka Taneda, Mr. Yamaguchi explained how these signature allusions are assigned.
For a creator of Japanese sweets to grow, training is necessary, but deeply reading into the image that the customer has in mind is also indispensable. The varied expressions of Japanese sweets take on a wide range through the discussions that a Japanese sweets item’s creator has with its commissioner.
In this lecture, we learned that the creator’s experiences are deeply involved in each one of the colorful expressions found in Japanese sweets.
There was a tea ceremony at the end of the lecture, where sweets created in the image of a lush green mountain were served. Our guests took home with five varieties of the Japanese tea sweets discussed during the lecture.
Murin-an Tea School
On October 25 and 26 (Fri. & Sat.), we held tea ceremony classes on the second floor of Murin-an’s main house. Between lessons, we discussed the hearth used for the tea ceremony. Many of our participants heard the names of the many implements used in the tea ceremony for the first time and found the instructor’s discussion of their history and how they are used quite refreshing.
Murin-an Wild Bird Mini-lecture
On the afternoon of November 6, we held a mini-lecture on the common moorhen. Both common moorhens and common coots visit the Lake Biwa Canal flowing next to Murin-an. We discussed the difference between these two birds and their ecologies. We also explained how the common moorhen was once caught for food and used illustrations to show participants the different varieties of webbed feet that exist among water fowl.
Seminar Series, Learning About How Japan Sees the World: As Seen Through Translated Works of Literature, No.5
On the afternoon of October 19 (Sat.), we welcomed Masako Takeda (American literature researcher and Professor Emeritus at Osaka Shoin Women’s University) to introduce some quotations from the poet Miyazawa Kenji translated into English. Using his “Spring and Asura” and “Be Not Defeated by the Rain” as examples we learned the English words and expressions used in each of their sections. With tea being served in the latter half of the lecture, our participants enjoyed the atmosphere of Murin-an’s sunset in the evening.
Murin-an Wild Bird Mini-lecture
On the afternoon of October 16 (Wed.), we held a wild bird mini-lecture in the 8-tatami mat space of Murin-an’s main house. This week’s lecture covered the Russet sparrow. This is a different species of sparrow than that which inhabits the Higashiyama mountain area that is seen from here autumn to winter. Our participants were interested to hear about the Russet sparrow’s relationship to the swallow and also that its Japanese name, Nyunai (or “no spots”) sparrow, stems from its lack of black spots.
Murin-an’s weekly Wednesday “Wild Bird Mini-lecture” is held from 2:00-2:30 PM in the 8-tatami mat space in the main house of the first floor. We choose a wild bird species and discuss interesting characteristics about it and its ecology while also looking out at the garden and explaining any wild birds that happen to fly by. Our first twenty participants get an original postcard featuring the Murin-an wild bird discussed that week! Feel free to drop in.
Murin-an Tea School
On October 11 (Fri.), we held a tea ceremony lesson on the second floor of Murin-an’s main house. As part of the spirit of receiving their guests, students learned what direction the tea froth heaped up in the tea bowl’s center should face.
10/26(土)は、「庭師と学ぶ フォスタリング・スタディーズ Ⅲ 第4回 モミジ、シダ、コケ」を開催します。
→ お申込みは、こちらからhttps://murin-an.jp/events/event-20191026/
→ くわしくはhttps://murin-an.jp/events/event-20190928-2/
Welcome to the World of Gardens! An Easy Onsite Intensive Seminar on Japanese Gardens for Beginners
On September 28, we held an intensive Japanese garden seminar. Ueyakato Landscape’s staff welcomed 27 participants and explained to them the gardens at Murin-an and Nanzen-ji Temple.
Despite the fact that it was the end of September, the garden was enlivened by the lingering summer heat and we could hear the sound of cicadas singing. And because it was also “Garden Day” (the 28th of each month), when all visitors aged 35 or younger enter for free, we saw more young people at Murin-an than usual.
With the leaves on the trees starting to turn yellow, autumn is now right in front of us. The garden’s look will soon change all at once. We hope you will all come to enjoy the changing seasons at Murin-an.
京都市とアンスティチュ・フランセ関西が開催した「ニュイブランシュ KYOTO 2019」に今年は無鄰菴も参加!10/5(土)は夜間ライトアップともに無鄰菴を無料開放し、たくさんのお客様にご訪問いただきました。また当日はローラン・ピック駐日フランス大使にもご訪問いただき、無鄰菴と展示作品をご堪能いただきました。