A Rainbow Over the Higashiyama Mountains
At evening, at a time when the sky suddenly cleared, for just a moment there was a rainbow that could be seen together with the rising mist from the Higashiyama valley making the mountain ridge before it shine.
Pruning a Fir Tree
We pruned the fir on the northeast side of the main house. We pruned it so that the breeze now passes through it easily.
By allowing wind to pass through the tree, we help prevent it from falling over during typhoons and other strong wind events.
The Common Glider Flies
We encountered a black and white butterfly on top of a leaf dappled in sunlight.
It continued its pose of flying around and then slightly stretching its wings to rest before finally flying deeper into the garden.
This butterfly has a unique white striped pattern set against brown and black colored wings.
Murin-an Tea School
We held tea ceremony classes on July 19 and 20 (Fri.& Sat.). These were lesson days spent looking at the garden in rain and the mist rising from Mt. Hiei and the Higashiyama mountains after the rain lifted. Students received the lesson while concentrating on three types of bow and paying attention to the position and angle of their hands. They also enjoyed the step-by-step lesson given on the first floor of the main house to each student on how to prepare for the tea ceremony.
十畳間に引き続き、八畳間にもエアコンを設置いたしました。 建具に馴染むよう、サイズを合わせて職人さんがしつらえてくださいました。 京都はいよいよ夏本番です。 無鄰菴でゆっくりと涼んでいただければと思います。
秋には幹を囲むように赤色の実をつけるマンリョウの花が、少しずつ咲いては散っています。 苔の上に落ちた花は、その白色が目立っています。お庭の中で、1本細長く伸びてその先に葉をつけているのがマンリョウの樹でございます。 庭園内各所にございますので、目線を低くしてお花の様子などをお楽しみください。 Flowers on the Coral Ardisia The flowers on the Coral Ardisia blossom with red fruit that seem to surround their trunks in autumn. The white color of the flowers that fall on top of the moss really stands out. The Coral Ardisia trees are the ones in the garden that have grown thin and long with leaves on top. They're all over the garden; try lowering your line of sight to enjoy looking at their flowers.
(Staff Eyes) Pruning the Chinese Bayberry Tree
To the southwest of the 8-tatami mat space of Murin-an’s main building, there is a slightly elevated mound where a single Chinese Bayberry tree grows. We pruned this tree little by little to preserve it feeling of balance. After clipping some branches, our gardener took a look at the tree to adjust its appearance.
We pruned the Camellia Japonica and Japanese Andromeda.
Here are some pictures of our gardener pruning the area around the garden path leading from the teahouse to the three-step waterfall. He gave a trim to these trees whose flowering periods have ended and whose leaves were growing shaggy. Now you can see the fruit on the Camellia Japonica and Japanese Andromeda peeking out from between their branches. Soft sunlight poured onto the ground, creating a feeling of brightness in the garden.