In a small forest, there were ten marlberries that had turned red. Marlberries are considered to be a lucky plant. The look just like little cherries. There should be a lot of them that have turned red by the time the birds of winter arrive.
The tea shrubs in front of the reception window and between the Western-style building and tearoom are showing signs of flowering. This flower is also a seasonal haiku word that symbolizes the transition between a lovely understated atmosphere to the coming of winter. Enjoy the scenery as well as the sound of the stream.
The pine trees are being thinned.
Thinning the pines by hand instead of using clippers gives them a soft appearance. Pines keep growing until autumn, but once they’re thinned, they won’t grow again until spring. So they’ll be kept looking handsome for the winter.
It’s easy for fallen leaves and twigs to accumulate in the garden’s greenery, cascades and their crevices. We cleaned tough to reach areas using a short-handled broom. Once it had been cleaned, the light-hearted and soothing sound of the stream’s water could be heard all the more clearly.
Pruning a persimmon tree under an invigorating autumn sky. Gardeners have to keep their balance as they move from branch to branch to prune a tree. We took these shots of our gardener’s various postures that change so flexibly as he stretches his arm, clips the branches, stoops and then stands up again.
Sweet Osmanthuses bloom
As you pass through Murin-an’s gate, you can smell a sweet scent in the breeze that seemingly comes from nowhere. This is the time of year when our Sweet Osmanthuses greet all Murin-an’s visitors with their small orange flowers.
Look at these Japanese beautyberries blooming by the stream behind Murin-an’s stone memorial. These beautyberries are like purple jewels that shine even brighter against the green of the garden. We hope you’ll all come to find them.
As autumn grows cooler, the Japanese quince fruits that used to be green are starting to bulge and turn yellow. This year’s harvest was greater than last year’s. Enjoy gazing at these plump fruits when you enter the lawn area.
門をくぐって右奥にあるアラカシ Quercus glaucaの剪定をしました。コウヨウザンCunninghamia lanceolata、ヒムロChamaecyparis pisifera に続き、アラカシの剪定が終わり、地面に降り注ぐ木漏れ日が明るく感じられるようになりました。このアラカシは、下から見上げた際に葉枝の隙間が均等になるように剪定されています。
We pruned the Japanese Blue Oaks (Quercus glauca) toward the back right of the gate. Now that we’ve pruned the Chinese Firs (Cunninghamia lanceolata), Sawara Cypresses (Chamaecyparis pisifera) and now the Japanese Blue Oaks, you can really feel the sunlight filtering through the trees. The Japanese Blue Oaks are pruned so that the space between the branches is equal when looking up at them from below.