10月28日(月)京都造形芸術大学 環境デザイン学科教授の尼崎博正先生と京都造園建設業協会 会長 野間 秀行先生の引率のもと、生徒の方々が実習のため、無鄰菴に来訪下さいました。
Learn About Gardens Day
On October 28 (Sun.), we held an event for Garden Day where Prof. Hiromasa Amasaki of Kyoto University of Art and Design and Hideyuki Noma, chairman of the Kyoto Landscape and Construction Cooperative, led students on a training session at Murin-an.
The schedule for this training session was quite full! Students cleaned fallen leaves out of the stream and cleaned undergrowth from the shore bank protection. In the afternoon, after a lecture held on the second floor of the main house, they tended to the grass lawn and moss area. Under our gardeners’ instructions, they learned how to treat aquatic plants and pruned the Kuma bamboo grass. All training came to a conclusion by the evening. Although the moss shone with a lush green color thanks to the rain which fell for several days prior to training day, as a result the soil was very soft and our trainees exercised great care when working on the moss.
京都大学フィールド科学教育研究センターの、京都大学Wild and Wise 共学教育受け入れプログラム事業(SDGsへ向けた森林と人間の共生:奥山・里山の暮らしと木から生まれる文化)・森里海連環学教育研究ユニットの共催によって、ミャンマーからの留学生が徳地直子教授のもと、庭園について学ばれました。
植彌加藤造園社長加藤友規も 「文化財庭園の良き保存と良き活用 〜 名勝無鄰庵庭園の事例 〜 」 をテーマに解説を行い、庭園をご案内いたしました。
Students from the Kyoto University Field Science Education and Research Center’s Wild & Wise Collaborative Learning Program (SDGs for Forest-Human Coexistence) and students studying abroad from Myanmar came to Murin-an with Professor Naoko Tokuchi to learn about gardens.
Ueyakato Landscape president Tomoki Kato gave a lecture on “Good Preservation and Active Utilization of a Cultural Property Garden: The Case of Murin-an: Nationally Registered Place of Scenic Beauty.” He then provided a tour of the garden. These students visiting from Myanmar, who are studying forestry at home, were particularly impressed by the many years of restorative pruning we have performed at Murin-an.
京都造形芸術大学 環境デザイン学科教授の尼崎博正先生と弊社 加藤友規 社長から日本庭園の設計や建設の技術を、無鄰菴を例として解説しながら母屋2階と庭園内で学習と体験をしていただきました。
Participants in Kyoto University of Art and Design’s Intensive Japanese Garden Seminar visited Murin-an!
We held a lecture at Murin-an for the Intensive Japanese Garden Seminar held for foreign visitors by the Japanese Garden and Historical Heritage Research Institute at Kyoto University of Art and Design!
Participants from all over the world visiting Japan for two weeks to learn about the basics of Japanese gardens came to Murin-an to deepen their knowledge
9月24日、 ゲーテ・インスティトゥート・ヴィラ鴨川 (旧称・京都ドイツ文化センター) が実施する
7月26日(金)の午後、アメリカのアリゾナ州フェニックス市にある鷺鳳園(ろほうえん フェニックス日本親善庭園)エグゼクティブ・ディレクターの安井令子さまがご来場されました!
Information About Murin-an’s Visitors
On the afternoon of July 26 (Fri.), Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix (Ro Ho En) Executive Director Reiko Yasui visited Murin-an!
Together with Tomoki Kato, the president of Ueyakato Landscape, the designated management company for Murin-an, Ms. Yasui gave a talk in the main house about garden technology and the intent behind Murin-an’s design. After the talk, she took a walk around the garden with us.
Ro Ho En was constructed in 1987 through joint efforts made by Phoenix and Hyogo Prefecture’s Awaji after the two became sister cities in 1976.
For us as well, it is a great pleasure to be able to use the theme of Japanese gardens to connect with the world.
We look forward to exchanging more information with Executive Director Yasui in the future!
【Visitors】Japanese and exchange students of universities in Kyoto visited Murin-an to learn about Japanese culture and aesthetics. After an English workshop by The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto, our staff held a bilingual introduction lecture to Japanese gardens and guided the students through the garden and tea house.
We hope the students will remember today’s experience and that they may share their impressions of Japanese aesthetics culture whenever travelling abroad.