「きものを知る」第3回 ‒冬の装い‒10月20日(土)10:00〜12:00
Reservations are still currently available for this event.
Now accepting reservations! Kimono Lesson, No.3: Winter Wear
This lesson will feature a kimono wearing demonstration. The theme of our third lesson is winter. Enjoy the feeling of winter by looking at and touching these beautiful seasonal kimonos.
●Please click here for details and reservation.
無鄰菴茶会 第3回『火』10月14日(日)①10:00〜 ②11:00〜 ③13:00〜 ④14:00〜 ⑤15:00〜
Now accepting reservations! Murin-an Tea Ceremony, No. 3
October 14 (Sun.) ①10:00 AM- ②11:00 AM- ③1:00 PM- ④2:00 PM- ⑤3:00 PM
We offer two tea servings with two varieties of sweets. The main sweet and dry sweet each allow you to savor the tea in a different way. This is an authentic tea ceremony that pays discriminating attention to tea sweets, but that even people with no tea ceremony experience can feel free to join!
●Please click here for details and reservation.
10月7日(日)15:30~16:30、『京都在住の海外アーティスト作品展示/Exhibition of Overseas Artists』のギャラリートークを開催します!フランス人作家アンヌ・ロール・サクリストさんの「人間の手で作り出される自然の表現」がテーマである作品を見ながら、無鄰菴1階8畳間でお話を楽しみましょう!
Artist: Anne Laure Sacriste will hold to Gallery talk at 8-tatami mat spece in the main building October 7, 2018(Sat.) 3:30 PM-4:30PM. Let’s enjoy talking with her works “expressions of nature created with human hands”
Please click here for details.
特別講座 セカイから見た日本を知る–文学作品の翻訳を通して–『俳句』
明治150年 特別見学会「山縣有朋が巡ったルートで回る往時の無鄰菴」
10月7日(日) ① 10:00~11:00 ② 14:00~15:00
かつて美術評論家 黒田天外が山縣有朋を無鄰菴に訪ねた様子を記録した明治40年出版の「續江湖快心録」を読み解き、そこに書かれたルートで、特別に無鄰菴をご案内いたします。
Now accepting reservations! A special study tour, “Murin-an as it was Originally Seen Through the Routes Walked by Yamagata Aritomo,” will be held to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration.
October 7 (Sun.) ①10:00 AM-11:00 AM ② 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
●Please click here for details and reservation.
お庭で見かけるその鳥たちの正体は? 彼らのメッセージとは?無鄰菴とその周辺で見かける野鳥たちの生態や習性、豆知識などを楽しくご紹介します。
(Wednesday: Bird Lesson)
Today’s Bird is the Pale Thrush. The wild birds will arrive in Japan soon. We will be able to look this bird’s walking style around the mosses.
“Wild Birds: Short Lecture” is held every Wednesday.
The illustration below was drawn by the lecturer himself. Can you feel his love for wild birds?
9月29日(土)の14:00~16:00に無鄰菴 洋館1階で開催致します。空席わずかとなっておりますので、お早めにご予約ください。舞や衣装、そしてお囃子と、能は日本の総合芸術です。そんな能を本シリーズでは演目ジャンルごとに学んでいきます。
Noh Theater, Lecture No.2 On September 29 (Sat.), 2:00 PM-4:00 PM, we will hold our second Noh theater lecture at Murin-an on the first floor of the main building. There are only a few spaces left, so please make your reservation early. Noh is Japan’s comprehensive art form, encompassing everything from dance and wardrobe to traditional musical accompaniment. In this series, we will learn about each of the performance genres in Noh theater. (Please note that there will be no explanations in English for this lecture.)
●Please click here for details and reservations.
近代日本庭園の傑作、無鄰菴は文化的背 景の異なる海外の芸術家の目にどのように映 るのでしょうか? 今回は一階のオープンスペー スの床の間にフランス人作家アンヌ・ロールさ んが作品を設置します。作品は、西洋絵画と日本庭園に共通する 「人間の手で作り出される自然の表現」がテーマ。期間中、ギャラ リートークも実施します。
The Murin-an Salon and Art /Sep 29(Sat) to Oct 8 (Mon)
Artwork Exhibition for Overseas Artists Residing in Kyoto
What does the modern Japanese garden masterpiece Murin-an look like to overseas artists from different backgrounds? The theme of their works is “expressions of nature created with human hands”; a theme that is common to both Western paintings and Japanese gardens.
There will also be a gallery talk held during the exhibition period.
●Please click here for more information.
お庭で見かけるその鳥たちの正体は? 彼らのメッセージとは?無鄰菴とその周辺で見かける野鳥たちの生態や習性、豆知識などを楽しくご紹介します。
(Wednesday: Bird Lesson)
Today’s Bird is the Osprey. It is a kind of carnivorous bird. It sometimes appears on the high sky area in Winter season.
“Wild Birds: Short Lecture” is held every Wednesday.
The illustration below was drawn by the lecturer himself. Can you feel his love for wild birds?
September 18 (Tues.) is Murin-an’s zaifu day.
At last week’s zaifu, we were visited by participants from the United States. They happily told us that the matcha tea was “delicious!”, which makes us very happy too.
Anyone can participate in Murin-an’s zaifu. Our staff will provide a carefully detailed lecture for you. Of course, you can also enjoy drinking the tea in a cafe style, without performing any part of the tea ceremony. Please feel free to stop by.
Please click here for details.